August 14, 2003
This Sunday you can catch brief glimpses of me and my co-workers on your TV!
Just tune at 8:PM on SUNDAY August 16th on The NICKELODEON

It will be the premier of the
Nick Mag 10th Birthday Special.

It's hosted by Brent and Candace who are sort of like Regis and Kelly hosting TRL for kids.
They're pretty cheesy but ya know you can't blame them (I'd be cheesy too if I hosted a kids show). Brent was pretty nice though and was surprisingly energetic and enthusiastic even behind the scenes.
It was a pretty fun experience hanging out on the set and being apart of the film shoot--even though we'll probably only be in like 5 seconds of the final show.
I'm not sure if you'll be able to tell our not but for the first half of the day I wore pants and the second half I wore shorts--so it will be interesting if you can tell how they edited the footage (assuming you see my legs at all!). Its kind of freaky cuz it all takes place at this make believe party and they hired all these kid actors to be there and stand around.
So its party of kids and then magazine editors having a grand old time.

But its definitely worth checking out because cartoonist Sam Henderson is in it too and is very funny and also did and original SCENE BUT NOT HEARD cartoon (based on the hit Nick Mag comic strip) short for it!
And legendary musician Weird Al Yankovic appears performing his Eminem parody song. We got to be in the crowd scenes for the taping of that too, which was pretty neat. Weird Al never broke character. He acted like Eminem the whole day! Most of the other celebrities (like Jewel and Ziggy Marley) who will be in the special weren't actually on set but will be edited in later through the magic of television. And wait till ya see the other musical numbers! BTW the special was written by Anne Bernstein who is the original comics editor for Nick Mag and wrote for Daria and other cool stuff. But I think Brent ended up improving most of his "bits". Oh and it ends with a food fight of course!

3:43 PM


August 13, 2003
Birthday coming up? Looking for something special? This is without a doubt The coolest gift EVER.

Fred "Rerun" Berry is AVAILABLE!

1:17 PM

