October 7, 2005

John Green and I put up the first 16 pages of Jax Epoch and the Quicken Forbidden over at Webcomics Nation for free reading. And it's in full color for the first time!

If you know anyone who likes fantasy adventure stories be sure pass along the link!

We'll be posting some of the Jax Epoch short stories there too.
Eventually we may debut the final storyline of "Quicken Forbidden" on the site before it gets collected into what will be the Volume 3 tradepaperback.

Can you believe 9 years have passed since John and I started doing Jax comics? The comics world sure has changed a lot!

5:13 PM


October 2, 2005

I tend to enjoy the Joss Whedon shows. And now I can say I really liked the new Joss Whedon movie Serenity!

There's a mini review over on my Livejournal

3:01 AM

